Why donate?
The proper functioning of the Reserve depends on your generosity!
In order to enable us to ensure our endangered species conservation mission,
you can make a donation to the Calviac Biodiversity Institute.
Thank you very much for your help is vital to us !
Your donation entitles you to a
tax deduction of 66% within the limit of 20% of taxable income.
A donation of 100 € actually costs you 34 €.
Online donation
Discover and choose the actions you can finance:
By post:
Réserve Zoologique de Calviac
Sous le Roc
24370 Calviac-en-Perigord - FRANCE
(make check payable to the Réserve Zoologique de Calviac)
You can fund the Reserve for free by using Lilo for your daily research!
Lilo is a solidarity search engine and allows to financially support projects simply by doing internet searches.
It's free, one drop corresponds to a share of earnings that the search engine pays to the project you support.
Our Lilo kitty concerns the conservation of the european mink (Mustela lutreola), species classified as "Critically Endangered" by the IUCN.