The site and its ecological management

The site and its ecological management

The site and its ecological management

Located in a forest environment, the Reserve benefits from a natural site equipped with a rich biodiversity.

The hill of Sous le Roc is located near the Dordogne river; its limestone rocks overlook

the valley of some 50 meters.

Our management

In order to be consistent with its action to conserve endangered species, the Calviac Reserve has implemented an ecological management method for the site, both in terms of construction, sanitation and the choice of financial partner or energy supplier.

The “Sous le Roc” site, on which the Reserve is located, is subject to regulatory protection: Natura 2000 "limestone hillsides of the Dordogne valley", Natural Area of Ecological, Floristic and Faunistic Interest, perimeter registered in the Dordogne valley.

Planetary Garden

The creation of the Réserve Zoologique de Calviac was greatly influenced by the concept of the Planetary Garden, developed in the 1990s by landscaper Gilles Clément.

The Planetary Garden is a concept intended to consider in a joint and intertwined way:

  • the diversity of beings on the planet,
  • the managerial role of man in the face of this diversity.

The concept of the Planetary Garden is forged from a triple observation:

  • ecological finitude,
  • planetary mixing,
  • anthropogenic cover.

"The Planetary Garden: Reconciling Man and Nature" - Gilles Clement

Planted filters

The Reserve's wastewater treatment is ensured by a system of planted filters.

All wastewater converges by natural gravitation towards the reed bed.

For lower areas (mainly Madagascar) a lifting pump is used.


All the buildings in the Reserve, which are small in size (20 m² on average), are made of untreated wood: Douglas fir frame, larch cladding; the roof is made of cedar shingles. The insulation was made operational using hemp wool.

Dry toilets

The reconstruction of an old Perigord tobacco dryer houses the Reserve's dry toilets.

Since the opening of the Reserve, several million liters of drinking water have been saved.

A second life for wood

Dead or fallen wood is revalued and reused: facilities for animals but also for visitors, enrichments for animals, etc.

Call for local businesses

Most of the structural work was entrusted to local companies:

  • Wooden constructions : Alliance Wood Constructions, Calviac-en-Périgord
  • Masonry : Chaud House, Braulen, Calviac-en-Périgord
  • Earthworks and networks : Lachenèvrerie Company, Sarlat
  • Electricity-plumbing : Craftsman Bernard Charles, Braulen, Calviac-en-Périgord
  • Forestry, fencing, plumbing : Craftsman Michel Cadic *
  • Creation of aviaries : To the happiness of the tree, Thierry Desforges *

* Originally from Loiret, they stayed at “Sous le Roc” during the work.


the year of opening


hectares open to visitors (over 7 hectares)




conservation programs

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