Sponsor an animal

sponsor an animal

Why sponsor an animal?

By sponsoring an animal, you participate in the protection of endangered species !

You can sponsor one or more animals but also offer sponsorship to a person, who can then benefit from the rewards (sponsorship does not entitle you to a tax deduction).

How to sponsor an animal?

I go to the online ticket office

I choose the “sponsorship” option.

I choose my animal to sponsor

I choose the animal that I wish to sponsor or offer as sponsorship from among the 15 species above.

I become a sponsor for 1 year
  • I receive a entrance ticket to come or return to the Reserve during the year.

  • I would receive a nice portrait digital of the animal I sponsor.

  • My name will be registered on a sign in front of my godchild's enclosure.

I receive news

I would receive news, in french language, 2 times a year regarding the life of my godchild within the Reserve during the duration of my sponsorship.


ambassador species


conservation programs


years of Reserve involvement



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