Our engagement

our engagement

in conservation

Our engagement to the protection of endangered species

There ex situ conservation (zoological parks, breeding) is always complementary to an action in situ (in the natural environment). The objective of the Réserve Zoologique de Calviac is to achieve the most effective possible link between these two actions.

Ultimately, the goal is that the conservation funds are mainly devoted to programs in situ, as shown in the plan below:

Our involvement in the Reserve (ex situ)

Among the 45 animal species represented in the Reserve, 50% are registered on the Red List of Threatened Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). A large part of them are the subject of coordinated breeding programs at European level (EEP).

Vison d'Europe Réserve Zoologique de Calviac

Our involvement in the natural environment (in situ)

We act in the natural environment of 5 countries : France (Nouvelle Aquitaine), Madagascar, Brazil, Ivory Coast and Nepal. In our opinion, conservation ex situ is only relevant if it is carried out in parallel with a species biotope conservation action to which we dedicate ourselves.




of endangered species


breeding programs ex situ European (EEP)


conservation projects

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