The purpose of the Réserve Zoologique de Calviac is conservation of endangered species. It works to set up breeding programs on the "Sous le Roc" site, but also to protect wild animal populations in their natural environment.
Our missions
To promote the meeting of arts and sciences by means of exhibitions, workshops or by any other method.
conservation projects
visitors per year
European ex situ breeding programs (EEP)
of endangered species
“A future for
nature »
Even though the creation of the Réserve Zoologique de Calviac was the work of one person, the project could not have continued or developed without the deep involvement of the salaried team, the members of the Calviac Biodiversity Institute, the volunteers, the support of the local authorities as well as the visitors, who are more numerous each year.
The transformation, in 2015, into
Collective Interest Cooperative Society (SCIC) is the logical next step to develop this ambitious project of general interest and for a purpose