Non-profit operation

our philosophy

Non-profit operation

In 2015, the Calviac Zoological Reserve became a Collective Interest Cooperative Society (SCIC).

  • How does the SCIC work?

    The cooperative brings together, in the Reserve membership, all the stakeholders involved in the project.

  • What are the categories of members?

    There are 6 categories within the SCIC Calviac Zoological Reserve:

  • Democratic functioning: voting colleges

    Each partner participates in collective decision-making via the cooperative's General Meeting where they have an equal say with the other partners.

  • What are the voting colleges?

    There are 5 voting colleges:

  • General meeting

    The annual ordinary general meeting is held within six months of the end of the financial year.

  • Become a member

    Contact the Reserve:

“A future for

nature »

The founding principles of the SCIC:

  • Perpetuate action in time;

  • Ensure maximum efficiency in the use of resources by opting for a non-profit system ;

  • To implement the concept of Durrell's Ark, that is to say tightly integrate conservation ex situ And in situ in favor of endangered species ;

  • Aspire to function democratic : the executive remains strong on a daily basis but must report each year to the general assembly (which elects it);

  • Respect the cooperative principle “1 individual = 1 vote” regardless of the amount invested (system weighted by college training);

  • Opt for the transparency in operation;

  • Promote the synergy of actors for the benefit of conservation of the biodiversity ;

  • Anchoring your tourism action locally and act globally.
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