The team is made up of 9 people year-round, 2 seasonal workers in the summer to welcome visitors, 4 civic service workers as well as interns and volunteers.
The operation of the Reserve involves multiple tasks : taking care of the animals, ensuring their well-being, informing and raising awareness among visitors about the Reserve's missions to protect endangered species, welcoming the public and school groups, etc. This involves teamwork, which is very versatile and requires the professionalization of each sector of activity.
permanent jobs
civic services
40 000
annual visitors
As a child and teenager, Emmanuel, who grew up on the banks of the Loire, followed the informal teaching of the naturalist Jacques Bouillault who became his mentor.
His zoological reserve project that he has been nurturing since a young age found its conservation vocation thanks to the books of Gerald Durrell (founder of the Jersey Zoo).
After studies in biogeography and varied experiences in several zoological parks, he joined the National Museum of Natural History where he became zookeeper manager assistant.
Then he resumed his studies in the management of endangered species (DESMAN) at the Durrell Academy (Jersey) to embark on the creation of his zoological reserve dedicated to the conservation of endangered species which he opened in 2008 in Calviac.
As the Reserve’s zookeeper manager, Mylène has always worked in the field of conservation. After a BTS in Nature Management and Protection and a Professional Degree in Land Use Planning and Urbanism, she completed a one-year European Voluntary Service in Bulgaria at Green Balkans.
After several experiences in conservation breeding and wildlife care centers, Mylène joined the Reserve in 2009 where she holds a versatile position. She works on all animal sectors of the park, but also has an important part in the overall management of the Reserve.
She was coordinator of the European breeding program for the Victoria goura from 2012 to 2018, the emblematic blue pigeon present at the Reserve.
Eléa completed a degree in environmental law and a BTS in Nature Management and Protection, before joining the zookeeper school in Carquefou, where she obtained certification in 2015.
After 4 years of employment at the Bordeaux Pessac zoo as a carnivore/primate zookeeper and manager assistant of the animal service, she joined the Reserve in June 2019.
Passionate about primates since her first internship in 2013, she is today in charge of the primate sector at Calviac. She is also a member of the crowned lemur species committee, which assists the coordinator in the management of the captive population at European level.
In parallel with her work at the Reserve, Eléa holds the position of assistant secretary of the Francophone Association of Animal Zookeepers (AFSA).
Éloïse quickly knew that she wanted to become an zookeeper. After studying agriculture and a BTSA in Animal Production, she did several internships with professionals who were passionate about birds and discovered a real passion for these animals.
In 2016, she found her first position at the Bordeaux-Pessac Zoo as a versatile keeper in charge of show birds. She then trained in falconry.
She subsequently decided to change her living environment by leaving for the Dordogne where she had the opportunity to join the Reserve team in December 2020.
Éloïse is today in charge of the “small animals” sector which is made up of reptiles, small mammals such as wallabies and of course, birds.
Passionate about nature, Romain has been immersed in the world of animals since he was little and has focused his entire career on working in the animal field and the conservation of living things.
Graduate of the Vendôme zookeeper school, he was zookeeper at La Flèche Zoo in the herbivore/carnivore sector for three years before joining the Reserve in 2021.
Romain is also in charge of the conservation breeding of European mink within the Reserve, a species for which he is also departmental referent for the French Biodiversity Office and the DREAL.
Marie takes care of all the animals in the Reserve (with a preference for Primates). She also helps the educational department with the “Zookeeper for a Day” activities.
With a degree in biology, Marie moved on to training as an zookeeper at the Mfr school in Carquefou.
Originally from Dordogne, it was important to her to stay in this region. In 2019, she had the opportunity to join the Reserve team as an intern, then in civic service.
Marie will finally join the permanent team of zookeepers in 2023.
Originally from the Bordeaux region, Léonard began his professional career as zookeeper after graduating from the Carquefou Zookeeper school in 2012.
After 5 years of versatility at the Bordeaux-Pessac Zoo (zookeeper, reception, catering and pedagogy), he decided to follow beekeeper training in 2017.
The following year he joined the Reserve as technical manager and was responsible for the maintenance of the park, the construction of small buildings and aviaries.
It is also Léonard who takes care of the maintenance of the educational hive and who supplies the honey sold in the store !
After university training in conservation biology and experience in Madagascar on a conservation project for a species of lemur, the Tattersall sifaka, Anna joined the Réserve Zoologique de Calviac in 2008, as a zookeeper for a season.
Then she completed her experience in other structures as an educational and scientific manager before obtaining a job at the Bioparc de Doué-la-Fontaine as a primate zookeeper for 12 years.
Since the end of 2023, and after training in community management for 1 year, Anna has returned to the Reserve, 15 years after her first position, as “Education and communication” manager. She is charge of the management of school activities and educational content, as well as the management of social networks and the website.
At the same time, she is assistant director of the AFSA training organization.