The Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative (LTCI), through the Institute of Ecological Research (IPE), aims to implement research and conservation programs for Southe American tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) in the four Brazilian biomes where terrestrial tapirs are found, the Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlantica), the Pantanal, the Cerrado and the Amazon.
The LTCI uses tapirs as ambassadors of conservation by preserving their environment.
The group is led by Patricia Medici, a Brazilian tapir biologist with the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature).
The association coordinates research programs on the biology of tapirs, on the threats they face, but also on the solutions to be implemented for their protection.
Fields of action:
For more information:
Target species : the ground tapir
Classified as "Vulnerable"According to the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), the terrestrial tapir is threatened by hunting, environmental degradation due to industrialization, contamination by pesticides used in intensive agriculture and collisions with cars.
Role of the Reserve
We support the program as part of the initiative launched by the Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative to promote the conservation of tapirs and their habitat.
Our assistance contributes to the annual financing of 5 radio collars to equip wild tapirs. These collars will help us understand how tapirs survive in highly anthropized environments.